In compliance with Law 34/2002 of July 11, services of the information society and electronic commerce we inform you that the data of the responsible for the website are:
NIF: E75185611
20302 Irun (España)
[email protected]
The present LEGAL NOTICE regulates the rights and obligations of the person in charge of the web and of the users in relation to the access, navigation and use of the present web without prejudice to the fact that the person in charge reserves the right to modify, without previous notice, its content, being in force the ones published at the moment of navigation.
By browsing, viewing and using this website you acquire the status of user, and therefore implies your express acceptance of all the clauses that we indicate in this Legal Notice, as well as other warnings or specific clauses that are established in the different sections for the recruitment, use of services, products, registrations, or sections of the site.
Therefore, if you do not accept the clauses established in this Legal Notice, you must refrain from accessing and/or using the services and/or contents made available to you on the Page, and proceed to leave the Page.
The person responsible may terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time without prior notice, access to the contents of the page, without the possibility of the User demanding any compensation.
As a user of our website you are obliged not to use the page for activities contrary to the law, morality, public order and, in general, to use it in accordance with the conditions set out in this Legal Notice. Likewise, you are obliged not to carry out advertising or commercial exploitation activities by sending messages that use a false identity.
The person in charge acts exclusively as the person in charge of the web in his condition of providing an information and content service, either about his own services, or about third party services with which he has signed agreements, not being responsible for the contents that, against the present conditions, the users could send or publish, being the user the only responsible for the veracity and legality of them.
The person in charge may interrupt the service of the Page that is being used by the user and immediately resolve the relationship with the user if he detects a use of the Page or of any of the services offered therein that he may consider contrary to what is expressed in this Legal Notice. In no case will the person responsible be responsible for the veracity of the data provided by the users, so that each one of them will be the only one responsible for the information provided being adequate, exact, updated and precise or, if not, for the possible consequences that could be derived from the lack of quality and veracity of the data.
The entirety of this website: text, images, brands, graphics, logos, buttons, software files, color combinations, as well as the structure, selection, order and presentation of its contents, is protected by the laws on Intellectual and Industrial Property, and its reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation is prohibited, except for personal and private use.
The responsible does not guarantee that the contents are accurate or free of error or that the free use of them by the user does not infringe the rights of third parties. The good or bad use of this page and its contents is under the responsibility of the user.
It is also forbidden to reproduce, retransmit, copy, transfer or re-diffuse, in whole or in part, the information contained on the website, whatever its purpose and whatever means are used to do so, without prior authorization from the person responsible.
As previously indicated, our website, in addition to links to products, may include links to third party sites. We reiterate that the pages belonging to these third parties have not been reviewed and are not subject to control by the person responsible, so the person responsible can not be held responsible for the content of these websites, or the measures taken regarding their privacy or the processing of personal data or others that may arise.
The person in charge recommends the careful reading of the conditions of use, privacy policy, legal notices and/or similar of these sites.
The person in charge will not be directly or indirectly responsible for
The quality of the service, the speed of access, the correct functioning and the availability and continuity of the functioning of this website.
The damage that may be caused to the user’s equipment by the use of the website.
The cases in which a third party, breaking the established security measures, accesses the messages or uses them to send computer viruses.
The vices and defects of all kinds of content transmitted, disseminated, stored or made available. The legality, reliability and usefulness of the contents that users transmit with the use of the page or the services offered therein, as well as their veracity or accuracy. The person in charge does not control the use that users make of the website, nor does he guarantee that they do so in accordance with the provisions of this Legal Notice.
By way of illustration and without limitation, the user will be responsible for
Of the contents introduced by them, especially of the data and information introduced and sent through the website or in the website.
For the performance of any type of action on the pages of third parties, or illegal, harmful and/or prejudicial actions.
Failure to comply with any of the above obligations by the user may lead to the adoption of appropriate measures protected by law and in the exercise of their rights or obligations, by the person responsible may lead to the deletion or blocking of the account of the offending user, without any possibility of compensation for damages caused.
In accordance with the provisions of Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, all personal data provided during the use of our website will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy that every user must expressly accept before providing personal data in the sections of our website.
The person in charge adopts the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of the personal data contained in order to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data and the risks to which it is exposed, and manages its server environment in an appropriate manner, having a firewall infrastructure of strict compliance.
You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation by sending an email to: [email protected], indicating in the header: DATA PROTECTION.
The user will be the only responsible for the veracity of the data provided to the person in charge of the web.
In accordance with current legislation on the use of cookies, the use of these will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the section called the existing Cookie Policy, which every user must read, accept and/or limit while browsing, as expressly reported in the banner on cookies on our website and the additional information shown on the use of cookies on the same. The user can limit the download of COOKIES from the browser options.
The regulations in force will determine the laws that should govern and the jurisdiction that should know about the relations between the person responsible for the website and the users of the site. Nevertheless, in those cases in which said current regulations do not provide for the obligation of the parties to submit to a specific jurisdiction, the person responsible for the website and the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Irun Sebastian (Spain).